St. John StaffIn a Vacancy St. John currently has an interim pastor, Pastor Dennis Reich, and other visiting officiants. Cindy Ebbers - Office Manager
Pictured with husband Marlin Cindy and Marlin have two adult children, Jason and Julie, both of whom live close by. Cindy has served St. John for many years as Preschool Teacher and since ?? as the Office Manager. Cindy is also the unofficial manager of our Praise Team, which evolved out of the ministry of the 4 ACES. Nicole Wambold - Pianist and organist
Pictured with husband Michael, sons Colin and Miles Nicole began playing as a regular accompanist during worship in November of 2014. However, Nicole has been assisting various ministries of the church with her piano accompaniment since high school. She played piano for Sunday school openings during her freshmen and sophomore years of high school, and has been helping with our Young Voices/Youth Praise program since January of 2015. She also accompanied during Vacation Bible School for five years during high school and college. Joyce Boslau - Pianist and organist
Pictured with husband Dennis. Joyce began playing at St. John in 2016. Joyce is also very involved with our Heartland District's Women of the Word. She also serves as our church librarian and historian. |