Wedding Guidelines
Download our WEDDING HANDBOOK --->

Dear engaged couple:
Congratulations on your engagement and may God richly bless your plans and your forthcoming marriage! A marriage is the most important earthly relationship in life for Christians. We at St. John Lutheran Church consider it a privilege to serve you and our Lord, Jesus Christ, and we are pleased you are seeking the blessing of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit on your holy union. What is that blessing, what does it look like, where do you get it, and how? You receive God’s blessing as you prepare to come into His sanctuary and publicly make your vows, humbly seeking His blessing and guidance from Holy Scripture.
We provide this handbook so you will better understand the guiding principles, doctrines, and policies for weddings here at St. John Lutheran. It will help you plan your wedding day and outline what you can expect from the church.
Your wedding is more than a public proclamation of vows and a pronouncement of marriage. It is an embodiment of God’s love for humanity through His Son Jesus, and His bride the Church. Your wedding is an opportunity to witness to others your commitment to Jesus and to share your faith with those you love through your union.
These rules and suggestions are given so that first and foremost God will be glorified in what we do. Secondly, these are written that you may have a beautiful and sacred wedding worship service and a solid foundation for the beginning of your married life. Since the beginning of the world God has established marriage for the good of society, but also for the good of the man and the woman who plan to enter that relationship. Part of God’s plan for marriage is His specific direction as to how a husband and wife are to act toward each other and toward people outside the relationship. Another part of God’s plan often includes the birth and nurture of children.
As you no doubt realize, these next steps in your life will be big ones, which should not be taken lightly, and they come with many joys and blessings. In an effort to help you start your life together in Holy Matrimony, we strive to prepare couples by starting them out with a strong foundation in Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23).
Please take the time to carefully read through and understand the Wedding Handbook. It will help guide us in the preparation and planning of the special wedding ceremony where the Lord will declare you to be husband and wife. If there are questions or concerns along the way, please feel free to ask the pastor at any time.
May God bless your union,
The St. John Lutheran Church Council
Congratulations on your engagement and may God richly bless your plans and your forthcoming marriage! A marriage is the most important earthly relationship in life for Christians. We at St. John Lutheran Church consider it a privilege to serve you and our Lord, Jesus Christ, and we are pleased you are seeking the blessing of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit on your holy union. What is that blessing, what does it look like, where do you get it, and how? You receive God’s blessing as you prepare to come into His sanctuary and publicly make your vows, humbly seeking His blessing and guidance from Holy Scripture.
We provide this handbook so you will better understand the guiding principles, doctrines, and policies for weddings here at St. John Lutheran. It will help you plan your wedding day and outline what you can expect from the church.
Your wedding is more than a public proclamation of vows and a pronouncement of marriage. It is an embodiment of God’s love for humanity through His Son Jesus, and His bride the Church. Your wedding is an opportunity to witness to others your commitment to Jesus and to share your faith with those you love through your union.
These rules and suggestions are given so that first and foremost God will be glorified in what we do. Secondly, these are written that you may have a beautiful and sacred wedding worship service and a solid foundation for the beginning of your married life. Since the beginning of the world God has established marriage for the good of society, but also for the good of the man and the woman who plan to enter that relationship. Part of God’s plan for marriage is His specific direction as to how a husband and wife are to act toward each other and toward people outside the relationship. Another part of God’s plan often includes the birth and nurture of children.
As you no doubt realize, these next steps in your life will be big ones, which should not be taken lightly, and they come with many joys and blessings. In an effort to help you start your life together in Holy Matrimony, we strive to prepare couples by starting them out with a strong foundation in Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23).
Please take the time to carefully read through and understand the Wedding Handbook. It will help guide us in the preparation and planning of the special wedding ceremony where the Lord will declare you to be husband and wife. If there are questions or concerns along the way, please feel free to ask the pastor at any time.
May God bless your union,
The St. John Lutheran Church Council